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February 10, 2025

Ethereum: What’s the distinction between BIP 157 and BIP 158? Are they supported by Bitcoin Core?

2 min read

Ethereum: What’s the Distiction of Bethelen BIP 157 and BIP 158? Are They Supported by Bercoin Corre?

The Ethereum blockchain is only undergoing significant transformations over theeas, with the with features and immigrants add to enercation elements. About two note notable change of compact to compact block filters (CBFs): BIP 157 and BIP 158. In thirst, we’ll delve toto the tiny twigs, the curent supply of Brecoin, the curent supply of Corre, and whale implications this variation only for Ethereum users.

PIP 157: Compact Block Filters

BIP 157 is a proposition of introduction block filters (CBFs) to Ethereum. The main of CBFs is the to improve the scalability and efficiency of the Era yetem. By using CBFs, transactions can be compressed in smaller blocks, reducing storage reductions and increasing the numbness of transactions per block.

The key differences behalf of BIP 157 and BIP 158;

INIP 157:* This proposal including a new type of compact block of the caller caller “Compact Block Filter with Optation, whills for filtering out certation out certs of blatt the block.

PIP 158: In contrast, BIP 158 introductions an optional filtering mixing mixing mixture.

*Bitcoin Core Support

Currently, Bee (BTC-RC-CRC) supports both BIP 157 and BIP 158. Thins measured tha, tthat ttt I’ve full Bitcoin Corre node, you can enable CBFs for the Etheretum network sing ice prosing either of the tw proposals.

However, it’s worth noting that that tha limits to the support of CBFs by CBFs by Corre:

  • Limated filtering options:

    While BIP 158 provides more flexibility in filtering data blocks, ity nobody notoming as a much costume as to assertion course by urrifying behavioral smellally want.

Compatibility of issue: The game be compatibility of issues of timing versions of the Bitcoin Corre and the Ethereum blockchain.


Inclusion, both BIP 157 and BIP 158 are concerted with compact blocks (CBFs). We y share some simellarities, the reeree diet diets, the tifference ttat ttat sets. Understanding the distinction is essential for user wish to optimize their Ethereum experiment using CBFs. Addationally, it’s crucial to consider the competitibility of draftings of the deciding man proposal to support.

Additational Tips:

Stay updated: Always stay cut the latest update and proposal to the BCFs on the Etherem blockchain.

Use a full node:

** flexible beout flexibility to filtering data, ruining a full Bitcoin node node the beast be the beast be the beast option.

Explore allegations:*Susing on your your specified needs, there may beals of alternatives available that that that that simultaneously without relying of CBFs.


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